2013年10月11日 星期五

一刀成名萬骨枯? 手術開刀要慎選?

一刀成名萬骨枯? 手術開刀要慎選?


在觀察20位減肥外科提交的胃繞道手術影片後的初步研究張貼在這一周的新英格蘭醫學雜誌 Now@NEJM部落客,並經由同行醫生對胃繞道手術的技術做出分級評鑑。This week’s Insights post on the Now@NEJM blog looks at a preliminary study in which videos of gastric bypass operations submitted by 20 bariatric surgeons were rated by peer surgeons. 胃繞道外科手術的分級評鑑:和手術有高度相關的併發症發生率(14.5%外科醫生的手術技術低級1/41/4藍色5.2%外科醫生的手術技術高級的1/4米色,中1/4淺磚色)。Surgical-skill ratings were highly correlated with complication rates (14.5% for surgeons in the bottom quartile vs. 5.2% in the top quartile). Now@NEJM部落客提供免費的文章和視頻通路,顯示用於分級評鑑進行減肥手術外科醫生的技能標準,The blog has free access to the article, and a video that shows the criteria used to rate the skill of surgeons performing bariatric surgery, 以外科醫生的手術操作實例,做出高、低技術的分級評鑑as well as examples of procedures performed by surgeons with high and low ratings of technical skill.

