Gossypol Toxicity in Livestock
在棉花植物發現棉酚是一種有毒的化合物。棉酚集中在棉籽,但也可以在棉屬植物的其他部分,如皮,葉,莖發現棉酚。Gossypol is a toxic compound found in the cotton plant. It is concentrated in the cottonseed but can also be found in other parts of the cotton plant such as hulls, leaves, and stems. 棉酚以兩種形式存在:游離態和結合態。游離態是有毒的,而和蛋白質結合的棉酚是無毒的。 Gossypol exists in two forms: free and bound. The free form is toxic, whereas gossypol that binds to proteins is in the “bound” or non-toxic form.
在豬的棉籽粉飼料不得含有超過0.01%或100ppm的棉酚。Swine rations are not allowed to contain more than 0.01% or 100ppm. 在不到4個月大的犢牛和羔羊的棉籽粉飼料,不得大於100ppm的棉酚。 Calves and lambs less than four months of age are not recommended to have greater than 100ppm in their concentrate ration.
然而,在年輕的反芻動物的棉籽粉飼料,如含有400-600ppm的棉酚會產生毒性反應症狀。However, 400-600ppm has caused toxicity in young ruminants.
gossypol affects the heart, gossypol toxicity has been manifested as two types of clinical syndromes particularly in young animals. One syndrome of sudden death (resembling a heart attack) has frequently been reported in calves and lambs.
成年奶牛表現出無力虛弱的症狀,抑鬱,食慾不振,呼吸困難,尿中帶血,腸子發炎,和生殖問題。Adult dairy cattle have exhibited symptoms of weakness,depression, loss of appetite, difficult breathing, blood in the urine, inflammation of the intestines, and reproductive problems.
if your cottonseed tested 0.07% free gossypol, this is 700ppm.