2015年1月14日 星期三


聯合國糧農組織研究發現:昆蟲餐有潛力成為未來動物飼料Insect meal has potential as a future animal feed, FAO study finds
As demand for meat, milk and dairy products grows, the issue of what to feed livestock becomes more critical because of the limited availability of natural resources, ongoing climate change issues and competition between human food, animal feed and biofuel for land and water.
昆蟲餐的範圍包括五大類昆蟲 : 黑水虻(黑兵蠅)(幼蟲在自然界以動物糞便、腐爛的有機物,如腐肉),家蠅,黃粉蟲-甲蟲(生於穀類,麵粉中的甲蟲之幼蟲),蝗蟲,蚱蜢,蟋蟀和蠶 - 和它們的分佈,
The review covers five major groups of insects – black solider fly, the house fly, mealworm beetles, locusts, grasshoppers and crickets, and silkworms – and their distribution,
“Insects have many advantages over other feeds,” he added. “They grow and reproduce easily, have high feed conversion efficiency since they are cold blooded and can be reared on bio-waste. One kilo of insect biomass can be produced from around 2 kilos of waste.”
The crude protein content of the insects studied is 42-63 percent and oil content up to 36 percent. Some of the literature shows that insect meals, when added to animal feed, can replace 25 to 100 percent of soymeal or fishmeal in the feed, depending on the animal species.
