2015年6月23日 星期二


10 Ways to Manage Stress So It Doesn’t Make You Sick

沒有學會如何處理壓力,使人長期經歷患有高度壓力疾病。I experienced a long-term illness relating to prolonged high levels of stress because I hadn’t learned ways to manage stress. 已經到了一個高度壓力瓶頸關卡,不得不採取行動解決。I came to a point where I had to do something major about it.沉浸書中找答案打禪坐(沉想)和禱告I dove into books, meditation, and prayer.這是一個生活行為改變的體驗。It was a life-changing experience. 利用下班時間。以研讀解惑來滿足心智需求。I saturated my mind with research. I took time off work.

壓力源自一系列無解的事件。因為尚未學會正確管理壓力的方法,身心具疲顯得非常虛弱My stress resulted from a series of events. Because I hadn’t learned the right ways to manage stress, my body became very sick. 始終專注於高成就,並試圖超越自我能力的思維模式是長期累積壓力的元兇What also contributed to my stress was my thought patterns. I always focused on high achievement and tried to go beyond my abilities. 也因此,壓力崩潰了好幾次。As a result I burnt out quite a few times.

當身體功能出現異常壓力的病因常會被忽略When my body wasn’t functioning properly, stress was completely overlooked. 醫師和專科醫師從不過問有關壓力的病因,或檢驗身體皮質醇、荷爾蒙增加變化?與壓力的併發症狀The doctors and specialists never asked about stress or tested my body for increased cortisol, hormones and symptoms related to stress. 自己需要透過研究尋找這些致病因素,並趨向自然療法。 I had to find out about those factors through my own research and by turning to a naturopath. 我並不是對抗醫師,但經驗告訴我,我們對自己的健康是有責任。I am not against doctors, but the experience made me realize that we are responsible for our own bodies.我們需要認知壓力的併發症狀,抽出時間聚焦我們自己,經常關照我們的健康。We need to recognize the warning signs, take time out to center ourselves and always be conscious of our health.
在你栽進壓力管理技巧前,你應該瀏覽下列的壓力併發症狀,看看你是否也有類似的壓力病痛。Before you jump into the stress-management techniques, you should look at some of the symptoms of stress to see if you might be suffering from it.

壓力的物理症狀Physical signs of stress:
疲倦,無力,嗜睡Tiredness, fatigue, lethargy悸、 疾脈(脈搏快速),呼吸急促Heart palpitations; racing pulse; rapid, shallow breathing肌肉緊張和疼痛Muscle tension and aches顫抖,震顫,抽搐Shakiness, tremors, tics, twitches
胃灼熱,消化不良,腹瀉,便秘Heartburn, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation
神經緊張Nervousness口乾喉燥Dry mouth and throat多汗,濕冷的手,冰冷的手和/或腳Excessive sweating, clammy hands, cold hands and/or feet皮疹,蕁麻疹,瘙癢Rashes, hives, itching咬指甲,坐立不安,捻轉頭髮,頭髮Nail-biting, fidgeting, hair-twirling, hair-pulling頻尿Frequent urination性慾降低、暴飲暴食,食慾不振Lowered libidoOvereating, loss of appetite睡眠困難Sleep difficulties增加使用酒精和/或濫用毒品和藥物Increased use of alcohol and/or drugs and medications

壓力的心理症狀Psychological signs of stress:
易怒,急躁,憤怒,敵意Irritability, impatience, anger, hostility擔心,焦慮,恐慌Worry, anxiety, panic情緒低落,悲傷,感到憤怒Moodiness, sadness, feeling upset
侵入性和/或尬車的想法Intrusive and/or racing thoughts
記憶喪失,注意力不能集中困難,猶豫不決Memory lapses, difficulties in concentrating, indecision經常缺勤,生產力降低Frequent absences from work, lowered productivity不堪負重的感覺Feeling overwhelmed失去幽默感Loss of sense of humor長期和/或累積更嚴重的壓力可以產生更嚴重的影響症狀Prolonged and/or intense stress can have more serious effects
壓力可以讓你生病!. It can make you sick! 還有更多的症狀/表徵,這只是一個指標。There are more symptoms/signs—this is just a guide.

Now, what are some ways to manage stress?

1) 放慢生活的腳步Don’t rush through life
為什麼對任何事務,大家都那麼急和趕緊?我不想罹病,死亡在等待著我們大家。Why are we all rushing anyways? I don’t want to be morbid, death awaits us all. 難道我們都那麼急著赴死嗎? Are we in a rush to die? 人們往往為了追求自己的野心而把自己的健康置於險境People put their health at risk to pursue their ambitions. This can create an urgency that leads to stress. 我自己也覺得需要趁年輕時實現很多理想,其結果是,我總是很忙,為未來付出了很大的心力I myself have felt this need to achieve a lot from a young age, with the result that I was always busy and put in a lot of effort toward the future. 目前,當我覺得時間急迫和忙碌,我立即感受到壓力,並做一些壓力處理,即使這意味著需休假一兩天。Currently when I feel that need to rush and be busy, I immediately recognize it and do something about it, even if it means a day or two off. 休假一兩天聚焦您的心智和健康,幫助活在當下。放慢下來,享受休閒舒壓和迎向未來更有效率工作,而不只是忙碌This centers my mind and body and helps me live in the moment. Slow down, enjoy the ride and be effective—not just busy.

對於那些像我20歲的族群這些引述正中我的要害:“沒有什麼會毀了你的20歲比認為你應該已經擁有在一起的生活– Aimee-Cherie。”For those in their 20s (like me) this quote hit home for me: “Nothing will ruin your 20s more than thinking you should have your life together already.”– Aimee-Cherie

2) 三餐要吃Don’t skip meals
從事勞動力工作多年來目睹同事由於繁重的工作,錯過午餐Being involved in the workforce for many years I witnessed fellow employees missing lunch due to a heavy workload.分享同事的事實,他們也沒有時間吃早餐They would also share the fact that they had no time for breakfast either.工作承諾置於健康之前,會導致加壓力在身上。Placing work or commitments before your health can lead to stress on your body. 身體需要能量,以提高工作效率,如果不花時間來添加食物能量,將空轉。The body requires fuel to work efficiently and if you’re not taking the time to fuel up, you will run on empty. 你不會開一輛沒有燃油的汽車!那麼,為何不為你的身體添加食物能量?You wouldn’t keep driving a car without fuel! So why would you do it to your body?

3) 勿對您親密接觸的人(攻擊目標)發洩您的太大壓力Don’t take your stress out on those close to you
你處於壓力,你可能已經不是原來的自己When you’re stressed you may not act like yourself. 你周圍親密接觸的人可能會成為您在一個焦慮、急躁、失控爆發升高情緒狀態下的攻擊目標The people around you may become targets of attacks in a heightened state of emotion, anxiety or impatience. 非常重要的是要執行自我控制和或許向這些你認為信任、挺您的人做正確公正的溝通It is important to implement self-control and perhaps fair to communicate how you feel with those you trust. 當我暢開了我的心靈感受,我很驚訝我收到的鼓勵言語字句When I have opened up about how I feel, I have been amazed at the words of encouragement that I have received. 這些顯示出對不同事情角度看法而自我創造的壓力可以被清除 It puts things in perspective and shows us how stress is self-created and can be eliminated. 你的家人和朋友可以讓您舒壓解憂的人。所以,不要燒掉這些溝通橋樑Your family and friends should be the people you can be relaxed with. So don’t burn those bridges!

4) 不要怪罪其他人Don’t blame everyone else
如果你認為都是每個人的錯而造成你的壓力,這對你沒有任何幫忙只有讓您的壓力持續存在If you tell yourself that it is everyone else’s fault that you are stressed, that does nothing but keep you stressed. 幾年前,我被授予(很操)很多的責任及很少職前訓練的職位Years ago I was in a position where I was given a lot of responsibility and not much training. 這些壓力強加在我身,心,和渴望工作That imposed stress on my body, mind, and desire to work. 因為工作待遇很好,我堅持了,我感到很幸運有這個工作機會,也不想讓任何人失望。I stuck it out because the money was good, I felt lucky to be given the opportunity, and I didn’t want to let anyone down. 抱怨我的超負荷工作量壓力老闆不聽,和同事花更多的時間對我的超負荷工作量閒言閒語I blamed my stress on the workload, a boss who didn’t listen, and peers who spent more time gossiping than working. 最後,我壓力崩潰。採取調控生活步驟。Eventually I burned out. Take control of your life.改變工作環境,另找一個新的工作If you can’t change the environment, find a new one.

5) 不要過度操垮自己Don’t overwork yourself
26歲時,我趕緊學習不要過度操垮自己的重要性。At the age of 26 I am quickly learning the importance of not overworking myself. 從年輕時,我就有高成就的歸畫:逼太緊就會氣餒如果結果不是在一個較高的標準,。From a young age I had a high achiever’s mentality: I pushed too hard and would be discouraged if results were not at a high standard. 追求高標準是沒有錯,但追求完美幸福的成本肯定會讓人失望There’s nothing wrong with aiming for high standards, but aiming for perfectionism at the cost of your happiness is sure to disappoint. 在企業界和員工之間,我知道,有很多被貼上成功標籤的過勞員工In the corporate world and among people I know, there are many who overwork themselves and label it success. 過勞會導致壓力加在你的身體,頭腦和靈魂。Overworking yourself can cause stress in your body, mind and soul. 這是一個破壞性的平衡生活。It’s disruptive to a balanced life. 我認為成功,是有一個全面的生活和規律,有時間保健,人際關係,家庭和休憩時間。I view success as having a well-rounded life and schedule, one that makes time for health, relationships, family and downtime.

6) 不要找藉口,當你身體不適Don’t make excuses when you are unwell
我記得一位患病女員工,仍繼續投入工作。I remember a woman who was awfully sick and kept coming into work. 她抱怨說,有很多工作要做,沒有時間請病假休養。She complained that she had a lot of work to do and no time to take off to recover. 我拆穿她的藉口,因為我以前也用同樣藉口。我告訴她:“如果你死了你也不能工作。”她請了兩天病假休養。I recognized her excuse because I had used it myself before. I told her, “You can’t work if you’re dead.” She took a day or two off to recuperate. 如果你的老闆或你周圍的人不尊重你採取健康保健的選擇,那不值得你為他們工作If your boss or those around you can’t respect your choice to take care of health, they are not worth your time!

7)不要輕估壓力症候群Don’t ignore it
如果感覺壓力太大了,或如你有上述任何症狀,請不要忽略它。If you are feeling stressed out, or if you relate to any of the symptoms above, don’t ignore it. 有許多人生活在否認處在所謂壓力和停止採取壓力調解的生活。 Many live in denial and cease to do anything about the state of stress they are in. 人們甚至不知道他們真的壓力是如何?我沒有壓力。直到我讓我的身體恢復,並繼續自我探索的旅程,探索到我身體的壓力是如何的術語。People may not even realize how stressed they really are. I didn’t. It wasnt until I allowed my body to recover and went on a journey of self exploration that I came to terms with how stressed my body was. 我感覺逃過早死或長期殘障I feel I escaped an early death or long term disability. 不要將推遲這些壓力症候群的警示。Don’t keep putting off those warning signs. Check in with yourself and do something about it. Learn stress management skills and get to the bottom of your stress before it gets worse.

8) 不要把身體或生命視為理所當然Don’t take your body or life for granted
壓力是要我們放慢下來,採取行動,並專注什麼因素是造成我們的壓力Stress is a sign that we need to slow down, take action and focus on what is stressing us.把壓力推在一旁,並允許壓力堆積,那受苦的人就是你By pushing stress to the side and allowing it to build up, the person who suffers the most is you. 壓力可以導致重病心理異常死亡。Stress can lead to serious illness, psychological disorders and death. 壓力傷害您親密接觸的人並引起傷痛It can hurt and cause pain for those closest to you. 我從來不知道壓力會帶來疾病,直到我經歷過的第一手。I never knew stress could bring on disease until I experienced it first-hand. 壓力是嚴重的,如果不管理和/或忽略您的壓力。 Stress is serious if left unmanaged and/or ignored. 如果你覺得你可能會讓人失望,因為你需要時間放慢下來,你需要時間開始更愛自己。If you feel you may be letting people down because you need time out, you need to start loving yourself more. 退出職場首先專注於健康和放空六個月。Quitting my career to focus on my health and moving away for six months meant putting myself first. 放棄高所得,就業保障和我的職業生涯,這些都是為了讓自己管理壓力-健康。I surrendered having a great income, job security (in a sense) and my career, all in order to get myself together. 為了在很短的一段獨處和恢復實力期間,我疏遠家人和朋友。I distanced myself from family and friends for a short while to be alone and regain strength.愛你的人會支持你The people who love you will stand by you. 您也可以吸引合適的人進入你的生活中,也會幫助你走向平衡的生活旅程You may also attract the right people into your life, people who will help you in your journey toward a balanced life.

9) 不要推遲運動Don’t put off exercise
運動有助於釋放壓力理清思路Exercise helps with releasing stress and clearing the mind. 當你在身體運動後,可以讓你的工作問題和壓力找到更好的解決方法When you are looking after yourself physically you can have a better approach toward your work, issues, and stressors. 當我感到不知所措,會在陽光下散步跑步讓所有的負能量從我的身體移除When I feel overwhelmed, going for a walk or run in the sun gets all the negative energy out of my body. 只是不要做過頭Just don’t overdo it. 保持平衡,集中和一致Stay balanced, focused and consistent. 不要過度的訓練,因為它可能會導致更大的壓力。Don’t over-train as it can lead to further stress.

10) 不要讓明天的憂慮壓倒今天Don’t let tomorrow’s worries overwhelm today
如果你有擔心,有焦慮,人們稱呼您為壓力頭,那麼你並不孤單!If you worry, have anxiety, and people refer to you as a stress head then you are not alone! 因為從我是一個小女孩時,所有的時間我都會擔心。擔心並沒有幫助,我來自一個宗教背景,宗教告訴我們要行善否則會下地獄。Since I was a little girl I was worried all of the time. It didn’t help that I came from a religious background where they told us to be good or we would go to hell. 儘管如此,放下憂慮、焦慮,無法控制的精彩旅程。Nonetheless, my journey of letting go of worries, anxiety and what I cannot control has been amazing. 我承認它是艱難的,但它是非常有可能的。在擁抱當下,會讓事情是緩和你的壓力I will admit it’s been tough but it’s very possible. Embracing the present moment and allowing things to be will decrease your stress. 那些蝴蝶,在你腹部的緊褲襠結和競賽的想法是可以管理的。Those butterflies, tight knots in your belly and racing thoughts can be managed. 在我們生活中的悲劇隨時可以來,關係可能結束或可能您不會做好你的指派!At any time in our life tragedy can come, relationships may end or you may not do well in your assignments!浪費你的能量和想法擔心不會幫助你或你的身體。Spending your energy and thoughts on worry won’t help you or your body. 要有信心,在生活中有好東西留給你Have faith that life has good things in store for you. 允許是什麼意思,是,盡力而為Allow what is meant to be, be, while doing your best in your own endeavors. 當關閉一扇門,另一扇門就會打開。說沒有煩惱取代說沒有壓力!When one door shuts, another will open. Say no to stress by saying no to worry!
