STUDY: Manage your stress, or it could lead
to schizophrenia.
我們無時無地均需面對壓力,但越來越多的研究顯示,如果想避免壓力累積對身體和精神的傷害,應該適時找出方法來管理壓力。發表在Rubin科學雜誌最近的一項研究顯示,We all have to deal with stress from time to time, but more and more
research is suggesting we should find ways to manage our stress if we want to
avoid both physical and mental side effects. A recent study published in the
Rubin science magazine has revealed that慢性或持續永久性壓力會影響負責修復神經突觸鏈接(synaptic
links),移除損壞的神經突觸(synaptic),並促進新腦神經元(neurons)的生長,具免疫能力的小神經膠質細胞(microglial cells)- -導致精神異常的發展,如精神分裂症。
chronic or permanent stress’s effect on
microglial cells — immune-competent cells responsible for repairing synaptic
links, removing damaged synapses, and facilitating the growth of new brain
neurons — can lead to the development of mental disorders, such as
當人體感應到威脅,在壓力當下,會激活小神經膠質細胞(microglial cells),並啟動發炎反應和釋放信息破壞傷害神經細胞。
When the body senses a threat, as it does
under stress, microglial cells are activated and turn destructive by triggering
inflammation and releasing messengers that damage nerve cells.
在多發性硬化症和阿滋海默氏症患者的腦部,發現在接鄰小神經膠質細胞的區域往往有發炎反應或神經變性。Multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease patients tend to have
areas of the brain affected by inflammation or neurodegeneration that are
bordered by microglial cells. 在精神分裂症患者的腦部,發現相同的小神經膠質細胞群聚發炎,和鏈接神經元間的神經突觸鏈結變性。The same cluster of
microglial cells has been discovered in schizophrenic patients and are linked
to the degeneration of synaptic links between neurons.
It was assumed that the brain operates
independently from the immune system and has hardly anything to do with it.
This, however, is not true."
在美國加州大學的研究人員也進行一項類似的研究,Berkeley也發現,長期慢性壓力會引起大腦的變化,併發精神疾病的發展。A similar study conducted by researchers from the University of
California, Berkeley also found that chronic stress can lead to changes in the
brain that cause the development of a mental disorder. 該研究團隊專注於:由於長期慢性壓力導致神經元減少和腦白質(white matter)的產生。The research team focused on the
reduction of neurons and generation of white matter that results from chronic
stress. 這種腦白質(white matter)的增加,特別是在大腦海馬體,會破壞腦部的平衡感和即時的溝通。This increase of
white matter, particularly in the hippocampus, disrupts the balance and timing
of communication in the brain.
首席研究員Daniela Kaufner聲明:“我們只研究大腦其中的一部分,但研究結果可以提供更深入了解;如在精神分裂症,自閉症,壓鬱症,自殺,注意力不集中-過動異常(ADHD;Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)和創傷後壓力症候群(post-traumatic stress disorder;PTSD) --- 等疾病,在大腦海馬體的腦白質(white matter)變化”。“We studied only one part of the brain, the hippocampus, but our
findings could provide insight into how white matter is changing in conditions
such as schizophrenia, autism, depression, suicide, ADHD and PTSD,” lead
researcher Daniela Kaufner said in a statement.