2013年11月29日 星期五


對台灣肝細胞癌腹部超音波大量篩檢評估Evaluation of abdominal ultrasonography mass screening for hepatocellular carcinoma in Taiwan


腹部超音波大量篩檢,已被建議作為用來控制成人肝細胞癌(HCC)個案的一個工具,但其在降低肝細胞癌死亡率的成效從未被證實。Mass screening with abdominal ultrasonography has been suggested as a tool to control adult hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in individuals, but its efficacy in reducing HCC mortality has never been demonstrated. 本研究旨在透過彰化縣社區整合式篩檢CHCIS)計劃設計依風險評分邀約高風險個案,執行腹部超音波集體篩檢肝細胞癌,評估其降低​​肝細胞癌死亡率的有效性。This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of reducing HCC mortality by mass abdominal ultrasonography (AUS) screening for HCC based on a program designed and implemented in the Changhua Community-based Integrated Screening (CHCIS) program with an efficient invitation scheme guided by the risk score. 本研究在2008 - 2010間,從肝細胞癌高發生率地區45-69年齡層41,219合格受測者中,依肝細胞癌風險評分邀約11,114合格受測者(27.0)參加肝細胞癌腹部超音波大量篩檢評估We invited 11,114 (27.0%) of 41,219 eligible Taiwanese subjects between 45 and 69 years of age who resided in an HCC high-incidence area to attend a risk score-guided mass abdominal ultrasonography screening between 2008 and 2010. 有效估計降低肝癌死亡率的。.The efficacy of reducing HCC mortality was estimated. 8,962接受肝細胞癌腹部超音波篩檢80.6%出席率,確定,共有16透過社區腹部超音波篩檢確診肝細胞癌Of the 8,962 AUS screening attendees (with an 80.6% attendance rate), a total of 16 confirmed HCC cases were identified through community-based ultrasonography screening. 16肝細胞癌HCC確診病例中,只有例確診病例死HCC肝癌,顯現出良好的存活率。Among the 16 screen-detected HCC cases, only two died from HCC, indicating a favorable survival.10萬人肝細胞癌的累積死亡率受邀參加肝細胞癌腹部超音波篩檢組(17.26)與未受邀參加肝細胞癌腹部超音波篩檢組的每10萬人肝細胞癌的累積死亡率(42.87)和歷史對照組的每10萬人肝細胞癌的累積死亡率(47.51)相比是相當低的。,The cumulative mortality due to HCC (per 100,000) was considerably lower in the invited AUS group (17.26) compared with the uninvited AUS group (42.87) and the historical control group (47.51),調整年齡性別產生的相對死亡率分別為0.6995CI0.56-0.84)和0.6395CI0.52-0.77)。 yielding age- and gender-adjusted relative mortality rates of 0.69 (95% CI: 0.56–0.84) and 0.63 (95% CI: 0.52-0.77), respectively.結論是,在這45-69歲未接受全國性B型肝炎病毒疫苗接種對抗B型肝炎病毒感染計劃的受測族群中,進行比較受邀參加肝細胞癌腹部超音波篩檢組,與未受邀參加肝細胞癌腹部超音波篩檢組,結果顯示在肝癌死亡率降低約31%。We concluded that the residents invited to community-based abdominal ultrasonography screening for HCC, compared with those who were not invited, showed a reduction in HCC mortality by approximately 31% among subjects aged 45–69 years who had not been included in the nationwide vaccination program against hepatitis B virus infection. (Hepatology 2013;)

